We took a South African airlines flight from George to Durban, and as we landed in Durban, Ryan pointed out a small, blue and white plane. "I wonder if that is our plane." My response, "are you serious, is that really our plane?!?!" After collecting our baggage, we were met by our pilot! Ryan's first question to him, "What color is your plane?" His response, "Blue and white. Why do you ask?"
Loading up, hence the reason for only small duffel bags.
Beautiful views during the hour long flight.
If you wish to experience our flight, check out our
Flight to Phinda Photo Album.
Coming in for our landing
Airport security....haha
After our landing, we were driven to our lodge, quickly checked in, and then sent out on our first game drive. I must admit, my first opinions of the game drive were not the highest. It was all a bit overwhelming, flying from George to Durban, hopping in a tiny plane and flying to Phinda Lodge, then being whisked away on a game drive. I found a seat in the back of the vehicle, and just went along for the ride. Everything was going well, we were seeing animals, but then the best thing happened, and completely changed my entire impression of game drives. Our ranger stopped the vehicle, and asked if anyone wanted anything to drink. The other two couples on the drive with us had been there for a couple days now, so they knew the drill. I was getting ready to ask for a bottle of water, when the others started requesting beer, and gin and tonics. Seriously? Well, I figured I would give it a try. "White wine, please?" And I was handed a bottle of wine. Thank you very much, I think I can handle game drives, carry on.

It was also during our game drives in search of the "Big 5" that I came up with my "Friendly 5" five animals that I consider to be my favorite. You already met one during an earlier blog post, the lovely (my most favorite) Penguin! Two more of my "Friendly 5" were seen during our first game drive, in no particular order, zebra, and giraffe. Stay tuned for the remaining two....
Speaking of "Big 5" we were able to see all during our time at Phinda. We met two of the five during our first game drive, the rhino, and buffalo. Check out our
first game drive for more pictures, including buffalo, nyala, impala, hyena, and a glimpse at the beautiful game reserve.
Since our first game drive went so well, and I was told about a fantastic drink they make during the morning game drives, I was anxiously awaiting "hunting" more animals. I became a bit intense, and didn't mind the 5:00 a.m. wake up calls for our morning drives. Who can stay in bed when you are surrounded by animals? It was a true adrenaline rush.