I can't believe it has been two weeks since my last post. I guess we have been keeping ourselves really busy. We thought with a new build, we would not have to worry about anything, just move right in. What we (and when I say we, I mean I) failed to realize, a house needs a lot, especially a first house. Before Russia we were in an apartment, and while in Russia, we lived in a company provided and furnished apartment. This house, OUR house, is coming together nicely. It seems a Saturday and Sunday trip to Lowe's is becoming a tradition. You know you're a homeowner when the employees at Lowe's start recognizing you.
The past two weeks have been filled with deliveries, shopping, projects, installations, etc. etc. We received our air shipment last week!! I try to do as much as I can during the day, so when Ryan gets home from work, he does not have much to do. His projects have been completed on the weekends, and I try my best to stay out of the way.
We are loving Louisiana, and the house. Our friends are currently staying with us while they are preparing to move to the Netherlands, and Friday, Ryan's family arrives. I like having people in the house. Take this as your invitation to visit. :)
As always, what is a post without pictures. My camera is still packed away, so I still only have iPhone pictures to post.
Learning how to use sprinklers to water the sod. Many broken nails from this homeowner duty, but, thankfully, there have been rainy days, saving me the hassle of watering the lawn. |
After the sod was placed, they were able to complete the fence and gates. Macy loves her backyard. |
I named him Gilbert. I found him while I was out in the garage, he was hanging out on the front of my car. |
At some point, he moved into the tire well area, and stayed here for many miles. From our house to the gym, from the gym back to our house, then from our house to our friend's house, where he finally decided to hop away. |
This giant of a T.V. was added to our house. Notice the picture is from a distance? I am afraid to touch it. Luckily, Ryan and his friend Tim mounted it above the fireplace, so it is safely out of the way. |
I don't know what is Ryan's favorite, the T.V. or the grill. Ryan has been enjoying both equally. I am happy he is able to have some of the things we couldn't have in Russia. |
First pizza delivery. My parent's live too far out of the city to have food delivered when I was growing up, so this is my first time having pizza delivered! |
Snuggles on the floor with Macy. She is adjusting to not being allowed on the furniture. No need to worry, I bought her a very nice bed, and she has plenty of rugs to choose from. |
Grilling action shot. |
Macy at the vet office. She received a clean bill of health! |
104. First triple digits. I think this was taken on June 19th. It's a bit warm, but I am not complaining. |
First carwash for Nola. |
This is Nola. She is an Infiniti QX50, and she is lovely. I love being able to drive myself everywhere. I need to take a picture of Ryan's Jeep, we both love our vehicles. |
Macy loves working on her tan. |
What you never want to see your husband doing. Walking towards you with his hand closed. I started yelling for him to take it outside. |
Then he opened his hand and it was a teeny, tiny frog. I still asked him to take it outside. I will not elaborate on the bugs I have encountered. Nothing too bad, or too big, but I want my Mother to visit and I know she will never visit if I start posting pictures of bugs. :) |
Macy loves riding in the Jeep. She has the entire back, and she chooses to stuff herself right behind Ryan's seat.