Friday, October 16, 2015

Happy Fall, Y'all

Oh goodness, I am using y'all. Not to worry, it's not a regular occurrence, but I do love the phrase "Happy Fall, Y'all" It's a bit difficult to get in the "fall" mood when the temperatures are still in the upper 80s still.

Warning, post contains a large number of pictures…...a large number of completely adorable pictures!

Henry and I began our fall celebrations with a trip to the local pumpkin patch. This was the one day I was complaining about the heat. Henry is still too young to participate in all the activities the pumpkin patch has to offer, but I did the obligatory "Baby's first trip to the pumpkin patch photo shoot."

Our friends decided to have a mini fall photo shoot in their neighborhood. It turned out to be a lot of fun! We were able to get some really cute photos, and we learned that our friends make really great, fun photographers. Here are some of my favorites.

Probably my favorite of favorites. Love my boys.

A picture of the picture. We had two cameras going. 

The last of our fall celebrations took place at our home. Ryan and I participated in the obligatory, "stuff your child in a pumpkin photo shoot." Ryan did an amazing job carving the pumpkin (power tools!), and Henry was the happy baby model!

Happy Fall, Y'all! 

Monday, October 12, 2015

Earning our southern stripes…

Our month of road trips began with a weekend in Texas, continued with a weekend in Florida, and concluded with a weekend in Alabama. It is a really good thing Henry is an excellent traveller, we tested his limits, and at times, paid the price, but all in all, our little guy was a fantastic travel buddy.

Our final road trip was to visit a good friend from our Chevron Russia team. She and her friends were vacationing in Gulf Shores, Alabama and invited us to visit. It was a first trip for Ryan and me. We had passed by Gulf Shores a couple times (on our way to and from Florida) but we had never actually stopped. It is another great beach destination along the Gulf. We have discovered living in Louisiana makes it easy to take weekend beach getaways.

I had planned to make another attempt at introducing Henry to the ocean. His first attempt in Florida was not very pleasant, but unfortunately the weather was a bit too cool. I knew if he did not like the water when the weather was warm, he was definitely not going to like the water when the weather was cool. His introductions to the ocean will have to wait until next year, when the weather begins to warm again.

Henry did not seem to mind the lack of ocean splashing. He enjoyed lots of baby snuggles with friends, some relaxing time on the beach, and eating with the ocean as his backdrop. At the young age of 5 months, he has already visited 5 States, this kid has a rough life. :)

Enjoying a meal on the back porch. 

Modeling his new hat and bib at dinner. 

Ryan and I tried shrimp and grits. Earning our southern stripes. 

Ryan giving Henry his first driving lesson. 

This kid knows how to relax on the beach. 

A bit chilly, but still enjoying the beach. 

You cannot get a house closer to the beach. The perfect view from the back porch. 
It was the perfect final weekend in our weekend getaways. Another great destination, more time spent with wonderful friends, and many memories made.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

A five year old and a five month old...

We celebrated two events on Friday, October 2nd. Macy celebrated her fifth birthday, and Henry reached his fifth month!

First, the five year old, puppy celebration...

I decided to make a birthday treat using Macy's favorite foods, peanut butter and bananas!

She is so sweet, waiting for me to take a picture. 

No need to wash the plate, perfectly cleaned. 

Birthday toy. 

Now, the five month old celebration…

Difficult to see in the pictures, but his eyes are a dark blue with hazel around the pupils. It's a really cool combination. We are curious to see how they continue to change over the next couple months. 

Gaining weight, we now have a roll on the thigh!

Needed a snack during the photo shoot. 

Fall weather is bringing slightly cooler days. We can now start enjoying walks around the neighborhood again.