Saturday, January 9, 2016

New Year, Eight Months...

The start of the New Year brought Henry's 8 month mark.

Henry takes after Ryan's love for the outdoors. You cannot take this child on too many walks, or spend too much time outside. He has done very well hanging out in the running stroller as I continue to train for the half marathon. He spends much of his time singing to people we see on the trail, and shouting words of encouragement to me.

We now have a tooth. It decided to appear the last week of December. The process was not as bad as we had been warned. You could tell Henry was not the most comfortable at times, but other than that, not too bad.

Still no crawling.  Baby Boy. Can. Take. His. Time. I enjoy not having to worry about him crawling to all kinds of mischief. He does really enjoy rolling everywhere, and has found that form of transportation suits him best.

Loves the camera. 

Still trying to figure out the handles on his basket.