Thursday, October 5, 2017

Highland Mary Lakes

We first attempted this hike in June, shortly after we moved to Durango. I would say we made it about a mile or two into the hike, and then decided to turn around. The snow was too deep. I was not the most pleasant of hike partners during that first attempt at Highland Mary Lakes. I did not plan to hike through snow, some areas still knee deep. Ryan decided our second attempt would happen in August, the snow would be melted. We had friends join us as well. It was the perfect Sunday afternoon. And no snow!

Taking a dip in one of the lakes. 

Sarah, Caroline, Cameron, and their dog Beasley. 

The rest of our photos from the hike can be found in the photo album:

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Family Hikes...

During Ryan's month home, we plenty of outdoor adventures, or at least we did a lot in August. We knew when he returned home in October, it was going to be a bit too cool for hiking in some of the higher elevations.

Two hikes we did in August were, Engineer Mountain, and Cascade Canyon. We wanted to attempt Engineer Mountain because the elevation is almost 13, 000 feet and we wanted to test if I would have some of the same difficulties I had when we hiked our 14er. The top became extremely steep and rocky, Ryan was a bit nervous wearing Henry and climbing the last bit, we didn't summit, but we did find an awesome spot to sit, have a snack and take in the beautiful views.
Views from Engineer Mountain. 

The second hike started near Purgatory Ski Resort, and took us to Cascade Canyon. In the winter, the Durango, Silverton  Train makes trips to and from Cascade Canyon. Ryan and I were able to ride the train to Cascade Canyon back in February when we first visited Durango. The hike was a bit unusual, or at least different for us in that you actually descend during the first part of the hike to a meadow, cross a meadow, ascend in elevation, then descend again to the Animas River. It was a lot of ups and downs, but it was a beautiful hike. The only negative of the hike, Ryan commented, "I'm surprised we don't see more snakes while we are out hiking." Apparently the snakes heard the comment, and took it as a challenge. Plenty of snakes made themselves present, luckily, only small snakes, but it did not keep me from screaming, a lot.

Our final hike before Ryan left was with friends we met since moving to Durango. They are very active like us, and have a daughter 7 months older than Henry. It turned out to be an excellent adventure, for our second attempt at Highland Mary Lakes. Stay tuned for post.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Kennebec Pass Picnic

Our first bear sighting occurred during our second attempt at Kennebec Pass. We drove this pass earlier in the year (June?) but was unable to make it all the way to the top because of snow. Our second attempt, in August was successful, and the views were well worth it. It is incredible to think this beautiful landscape is our "backyard."

Ryan had the idea to pack up our dinner, and this adventure became our dinner and entertainment for the evening. Little did we know, the wildlife of the area would also be joining us. Fortunately, our bear sighting was while we were driving, and nowhere near our picnic sight, but a couple deer decided to check out what we were having for dinner.

Surrounded by beautiful scenery, dining on delicious food, and entertained by wildlife, what more could you ask for...

*And since I know Ryan will say, "You can have the same things when you go camping." I will add, and we didn't even have to camp for this wonderful experience. :)

Preparing dinner. The top of the Pass is at the look out point, the notched area on the top ridge.
Straight up, and slightly left of our picnic blanket.
The notch was man made, put there to make transport between mines in the area easier. 

A picture of a picture. With our deer friend watching. 

The picture I was taking.

Bear at the top of the Pass. 

Views from the top of the Pass. 

Another deer friend, checking out our dinner. 

Henry setting the "table."

The bear cub we spotted. He was busy turning over boulders, searching for food. We never saw Mama, but I knew she was close by. 

If you would like to see more from our family picnic, click on the link below: