We are surviving and doing well! Ryan is keeping busy at the office and I have stayed busy running around Novorossiysk and the apartment. Ryan has established his morning coffee location (McDonald's) until his Nespresso machine arrives. I have checked out the grocery stores and determined my favorites.
Currently, I believe we are experiencing the weather phenomenon "Bora" winds. I tried to get a video of the trees in the wind this morning, but it is hard to adequately catch their strength. My best description of the winds would be relative to wind you would experience during a strong thunderstorm. You can hear the wind blowing through the ventilation of the building. Trees are blowing all over the place. It is extremely funny to watch Macy battle the wind gusts. :) The only difference between Bora winds and wind during a thunderstorm, is that Bora winds usually last a couple days. They began last night and were extremely strong last night and this morning. It is still pretty windy now, but not nearly as strong.
This picture was taken Saturday. It shows the clouds rolling over the top of the mountains. The clouds, like this, are usually a sign of the near arrival of Bora winds. |
On another note, I am attempting to "discover" my green thumb. There was a large seed selection at Lenta and I thought, "Why not?" I chose a couple different small flowers and some chili peppers. I figured the chili peppers would be easy to grow in a patio setting. Hopefully the flowers turn out and I can have flowers on our balconies. I will keep everyone posted on the growth (keep your fingers crossed) and progress of the seeds. :)
Day 1 of my seeds. :) I planted the plant in the green flower pot, I thought it had an interesting look. It's also nice to have a plant already growing, hopefully to encourage the seeds to grow. :)
Maybe we can discover our green thumbs together! Nick is the gardener in our relationship, but I would still like to give it a try... that is only if my balcony doesn't end up also being my laundry room. We shall see!