Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Important Study Buddy

I am not an expert on studying techniques.  It has been a couple years since college graduation and my studying requirements have not been demanding.  The recent addition (well not so recent, it has been over a year) of Russian lessons has brought back the need to study.  My Russian lessons in Houston were amazing, I had an excellent teacher, other ladies to encourage me during lessons and a desire to learn a new language.  Also, the knowledge that I would be living in a location that did not speak English, really lit a fire under me to study harder.

I have continued with Russian lessons in Novorossiysk.  I have another excellent teacher, the lessons include only me (but that's ok) and my desire to improve continues.  Also, the HUGE language barrier during everyday activities (grocery shopping, aerobics and cycling instructor, our drivers, little old ladies asking me questions) has definitely added some gasoline to the fire.

It is here, that the important study buddy comes into the picture.  I truly feel everyone should have a study buddy.  Personally, it makes studying so much more "interesting" and "entertaining."

Allow me to describe why my study buddy is perfect:

*As soon as I take a seat at the table and spread out my material, my study buddy forgoes her rest and relaxation leaping to attention and is ready to "assist."

*Her lack of verbal communication does not promote whispering or endless chitchat during study time.

*She is not allowed at the table.  I do not have to worry about her taking up too much table space or impeding my elbow room.

"I am here to perform my study buddy duties."

"The toy may be slipping, but my dedication remains."
Unfortunately for her, all her great attributes lack one key study buddy requirement, she provides no intellectual inspiration.  Fortunately for me, her entertainment value is priceless. 

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