for mental turbulence. I'm not talking violent turbulence, just simple mental disturbance. Wait, disturbance sounds wrong, really bad. I am not having mental issues, I am simply very distracted lately.
So, if the introduction to this post isn't enough proof of my current mental instability (again, sounds worse once you read the word aloud). I would like to share with you all the items that are currently distracting me.
*Going home for the holidays. I mentioned this before, but December 15th, I and Macy will board a plane bound for Chicago. Maybe the fact that Macy is going to meet my parents for the first time, or the fact that my parents are so "stinkin' excited" to have Macy visit, but either way, this little lady (me) is super excited to fly home. Fly was another poor word choice. I dread the long flight home, (luckily I have discovered the perfect long flight solution) and I worry about Macy.
*Christmas. Everything involved with this season makes me overwhelmingly happy. Last weekend, Ryan and I put the tree up. I can't help but smile every time I turn the lights on, or when I walk into the living room and see it shining.
It may be small but it is mighty. |
Continuing with the Christmas topic, my next pleasant distraction is CHRISTMAS MUSIC. Will not try to even tame this joy, I LOVE CHRISTMAS MUSIC. If I were not able to get Pandora radio through our computer VPN, I would not be able to continue living here. I singing is awful, my dance moves are erratic, but I do not let either hinder my Christmas music celebration. If I am in the apartment, then Christmas music is playing. I turn it off during sleep and my Russian lessons (definitely don't need any extra distractions during the task of learning Russian). Macy has danced with me to countless songs and she has endured my singing (I do not think deafness has set in). The sad truth, the VPN slows our Internet, which makes blog posting or doing anything else on the Internet annoying. Problem solved, I use Ryan's iPad for the Pandora radio.
*Macy is a year round distraction, but is escalated during the holiday season. Please see following pictures.
Her only fitting sweater and that was only after I cut the leg openings. Luckily it is Christmas red and is oh, so perfect for this time of year. Look out States, upon my arrival, Macy will be outfitted in new, fitting sweaters. |
This is just sad, but come on, what do you expect from me? It was in one of the local supermarkets and I couldn't pass the opportunity. I can't explain the braids, must be a Russian thing.
People have said if you dress up your dog you are either crazy or need to have kids. I am not crazy and I do not need children anytime soon. My only justification: leave family and friends, move to Russia and have a husband with an extensive work travel schedule. Once you meet all 3, then you may judge my excessive love for Macy.
*Latest addition. I have finally succeeded in locating a fireplace!!! A few weeks ago, my friend Rose and I planned a simple, relaxing chili dinner. The night progressed with a power outage, candlelit dinner, lots of wine and tears in front of a fireplace. This dinner coincided with my bout of homesickness and the fireplace was the perfect addition to the evening. The next day, I spent hours, literally hours searching this city for the fireplace. The store Rose found her's no longer had any, nor did any other store, except for a final floor display. I bought it, brought it home and shocker, it was broken. I sadly took it back. Well, have no fear, last weekend, Ryan and I were out and found the fireplace!

Macy spends pretty much her entire day in near proximity to the lovely source of comfort and heat. Picture this scene, turn on the Christmas tree, put a cup of hot tea in one hand, my Kindle in the other, park me on the chair pictured behind Macy, and slightly angle the fireplace and I could not ask for more. This fireplace does not compare with my parent's, but it is lovely and I am so thankful to have this little addition to our apartment.
*Thanksgiving Dinner. I know, I know, I put Christmas before Thanksgiving. It is sad to not be with my family for Thanksgiving. Ironically, I would love to join my mother in the kitchen, preparing all the food for Thanksgiving. My mother is an amazing cook, luckily her culinary skills have magically been passed on. It really is magical, considering the woman does not use recipes and simply "throws things in." I have developed a just throw it together attitude and my cooking creations seem to turn out very well. Tomorrow, I will attempt my first Thanksgiving dinner, solo, in Russia and with Russian bought food. My quote earlier today, "I either have a very small dead turkey in my refrigerator or a very large dead chicken." Upon further investigation, it is a chicken and it is still disgusting. I have never attempted to cook an entire "old dead bird" (dad's words). Maybe that is why I miss helping my mom, I need her here to help me. I will report later on my Thanksgiving Dinner success (hopefully). Speaking of my mother, today is her birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!!
Hopefully this post will help to alleviate my mental turbulence (I can already tell you it hasn't) or maybe it will only prove even further how happy this time of year makes me (very true). Regardless of how you look at it, I have much to appreciate and much to look forward to. Oh, and to revisit the original, true purpose for this post. I know we have been back from Egypt for over a week and I have only posted for Cairo. Hold your horses, I will post the rest in the next couple days. :)
So many, too many distractions!! :)
"Get away from the computer and come snuggle. My lack of thumbs prevent me from handing you a cup of tea and your Kindle, but hopefully my charming good looks are enticing enough." |
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