Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Continuously Growing Obsession...

My previous blog consisted of a new attempt at entertainment.  If you remember correctly, I mentioned cooking as a form of entertainment that has grown exponentially since our move to Russia.  It is definitely a continuously growing obsession.  I have become completely obsessed with finding new ingredients, new ideas, new anything, to add some entertainment to my day, and to provide a variety of culinary creations.

Allow me to set the scene:

Friday Night
Boredom is present
Cinnamon roll recipe calling my name (a recipe I was going to make on Ryan's birthday, but it fell on a weekday, so I passed on breakfast cinnamon rolls)

I asked Ryan if he would like to help.  He claimed he had never made dough made from scratch, and I thought it would be fun to have him help.  You will see from the pictures, his assistance quickly moved from baking to photography.

The cinnamon roll baking adventure sprang to life after Ryan came home from work Friday, and said he would need to go into the office on Saturday.  In an attempt to make the Saturday office a bit more exciting, I would send warm cinnamon rolls.  Also, as you read previously, I had wanted to make cinnamon rolls for Ryan's birthday breakfast. AND, since Ryan and I would not be able to fit into our pants if we ate everything I baked, I like to share baked goods with others.  *I am still waiting for the day our drivers ask to join me at the gym.  I have fed them a large amount of baked goods since our move. 

Dough had already sat, and doubled.  I rolled the dough flat, Ryan helped spread the yummy cinnamon filling.  Then I rolled the flat dough into the log shape.  Let the cutting begin!

First slice.  "Oh, wow, it actually looks like a cinnamon roll!"

All cut, and ready to rise some more.  This is where I decided to alter the recipe/preparation.  Instead of allowing the rolls to rise for 45 minutes, prior to baking, I decided to put them in the refrigerator, and bake them in the morning.  Cinnamon rolls are not too difficult to make, but the amount of resting/rising time makes it too long of a process to complete in the morning.  

Next morning, pop them in the oven.  Whip up the icing while they are baking.  Go crazy about how fantastic the apartment smells.  Spread gooey icing over hot cinnamon rolls.  And you have yet another culinary creation. :)


  1. Those look like amazing cinnamon rolls!! :)

  2. ryans favorite He would help me make a quick version when the family would visit. Does he remember the Bisquik version? Your's are lovely. Love, Grandma Mary

    1. When he first saw the recipe, he mentioned that he used to make cinnamon rolls with you! He couldn't remember exactly how you made them, but he remembered it was a lot of fun. :)
