Last week, Ryan and I were hit by what we are calling The Russian Plague. It began very slowly on Monday (for me), slowly making its presence and on Tuesday morning it attacked, forcefully. Ryan believed it was food poisoning. Last year, around this same time we developed similar symptoms, and ultimately determined it was likely food poisoning. This year, the symptoms started similarly but quickly morphed into something much worse. Food poisoning was ruled out and The Russian Plague was named.
Ryan dodged the worst of it. Tuesday I was not able to keep anything in and suffered from really high fevers. My fear of death (a bit melodramatic, but remember who is writing this) and the lack of any improvement by Wednesday left me only one option. It was time to call the doctor.
I am thankful Chevron has supplied us with such an excellent company doctor. We have no other options, the medical facilities here are either nonexistent or lack any kind of modern healthcare. The Doctor arrived and prescribed a plethora of medication. One remedy in particular, a hydration drinking solution was incredibly foul, but he was smart and didn't leave until I drank it all. He feared dehydration and probably had a good idea I would not finish it.
Seven pounds gone (over five percent of my body weight) and a lack of desire to eat anything, it wasn't until about Thursday afternoon that I started to feel I was on the mend. Ryan and I are still, occasionally suffering some stubborn symptoms, but all in all, we are back to health. I have successfully found four of the missing pounds.
*Small side note. Ryan left for Moscow yesterday and is scheduled to be gone the next two weeks. If you have noticed any correlations between my postings and Ryan's business trips, then you know there will be many postings the next two weeks. Apologies in advance for any incredibly boring or random ramblings. If I can't meet my daily spoken word quota, then I am left to fulfill it through writing. :)
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