I have learned from living in Russia, and maybe it's true for anyone living in a foreign country, that when it comes to birthdays, celebrations, or just daily life, nothing makes one feel better than a little bit of "comfort" food. In my opinion, "comfort" food to an expat is something that you can't easily find in your current living location, it's food that one must make themselves, from scratch, and usually put forth an effort to collect all necessary ingredients. Other times, "comfort" food can simply be an item that has made the long journey from the States, in an overstuffed, overweight piece of luggage. For example, a few weeks ago, during my Russian plague illness, a good friend left a small gift on my doorstep. It contained two simple items, a packet of Gatorade powder and a can of Campbell's chicken noodle soup. Nothing could have been more appropriate or more comforting at the time of my illness. Comfort food, nothing can make you feel better, faster.
This leads me to my blog today, baking presents. We attended a couple dinner parties this week, as well as celebrated a couple fellow expat birthdays. Novorossiysk does not provide much in terms of shopping for a small gift. Pickings are slim, therefore, I rely on my baking talents to provide a lovely present. It is no easy feat trying to bake here, our ovens are what I call "PlaySchool" ovens. They are tiny, spastic, and continuously (sometimes effectively) try to sabotage your baking. Baking my presents provide me with an opportunity to try something new, while at the same time providing the recipient with a bit of comfort from home.
Red Velvet Cupcakes. My contributions to a dinner we attended at a fellow expat's apartment. |
A birthday present. No Harry and David or Planter's Nuts in Russia, so I decided to make my own. Sugared Cinnamon Almonds. |
Honey Roasted Cashews |
This picture is simply for my own entertainment or anyone else living in Novorossiysk. I needed bananas for the next recipe. In a city where overripe, blackened bananas are common place, the one time I went looking for overripe bananas, I could only find good bananas. My attempt to "sun" the bananas. |
Banana muffins. LOVE this new recipe, much lighter than "traditional" banana bread. Gift for an afternoon tea, and birthday gift (for a lovely woman whose husband ate all the previous muffins before she even had one). :) |
Nothing says Happy Birthday like Funfetti cupcakes! I had way too much fun making these little guys. The batter with all the sprinkles made me happy. :) |
Yum, yum. Felt like kids. |
All recipes have been bookmarked and will definitely make another appearance in the future. Who knows, maybe you will be the recipient? :)
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