Monday, September 16, 2013


My ever trusty research assistant, Google researched "Professional Beach Bum Association" and only came back with links to The Traverse City Beach Bum baseball team (who knew?).  If P.B.B.A (Professional Beach Bum Association) existed I believe Ryan and I would be official members.  I even have our membership picture chosen:

We have returned from another much needed relaxing and restful trip.  Yesterday, as our plane was making its final descent into Moscow, Ryan and I (while gazing out the plane window) discussed the incredible differences in the world.  Even with our travels, and frequent flying, we are still amazed how a few short hours on a plane can transport you somewhere completely different from where you left.  To be specific, sunny, warm, wonderful, beautiful Portugal to Russia (no adjectives for Russia since I am trying very hard to silence my Negative Nancy).

I  may not obtain the darkest tan, and I may have a strong dislike for salt water, but when it comes to life on a beach (with a lounger, not in the sand) Ryan and I would definitely be inducted into the Professional Beach Bum Association.

More posts to come from our time in Spain and Portugal.  But for now, we are back in Russia, and to answer the most frequent question we receive about living in Russia: yes, it's cold.....

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