Monday, January 27, 2014

We may now move...

In honor of having our internet back (insert sarcasm), I felt it was only appropriate to use the internet, and finally post about an event that took place almost three weeks ago, and should have posted much sooner.  The internet was only the icing on the cake, I have had "one of those days" the past few days.  I will not go into details about the complaints I had, the frustrations I felt, or the breakdown I had, but rest assured fellow expat wives reading this, you are not alone.  It was very wrong, and misleading of me to title this post "we may now move."  After the aforementioned days, that title popped into my head along with a fleeting grin.  We are not moving anywhere, but do feel free to continue reading.  Negative Nancy has finished her rant.

At the moment, I may not be the biggest fan of life in Russia, but there was a moment, somewhat recently that was a goal I hoped to accomplish during our life in Russia phase.  Ryan and I finally attended a ballet performance of the Nutcracker at the Historic Stage at the Bolshoi Theatre.  Just in case you missed it:

*THE Bolshoi Theatre
*THE Historic Stage
*THE Nutcracker

Ryan has been a wonderful husband, and sat through a previous ballet performance in Moscow, but it was not at the Historic Stage.  He was even more spectacular when he sat through an Opera, but still, it did not satisfy the three main points.  We may now move, I have successfully completed my goal of living in Russia.  And Ryan may breathe a sigh of relief, I will not drag him to anymore theatrical performances in Moscow (though he may enjoy them too).
Tickets in hand. 

Fourth row, fantastic views.
Ryan did take a few pictures during the performance, they are on his iPhone, but I am too afraid to post.  Photography was not allowed (though everyone had their phones out), but I do not want to publicly post photos on our blog.  No need to draw any unwanted attention.  

Not as though the Concierge at the Marriott Aurora in Moscow reads this, but just in case, a huge thank you to their staff, for helping us hunt down the elusive ballet tickets.  Tickets sell out as soon as they are posted, but their ticket company had a few remaining.

Also, a big thank you to Chase bank for allowing us to withdrawal large amounts of rubles from ATMs in Moscow, and not denying our card for exceeding daily limits in order to pay for the tickets.

But wait, there's more.  A note to ticket offices in Moscow, I suggest you update your systems and start accepting credit cards.

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