Four months, a third of a year, call it what you want, Henry is getting older and experiencing many firsts. September 2nd marked Henry's 4 month with a visit to the doctor. Henry continues to grow slowly, but he's growing. I had a goal of 12 pounds for his 4 month checkup and he weighed in at 12 pounds 11 ounces, and 23.75 inches.
Since turning 4 months, we have experienced many firsts. He has decided to start rolling over. I didn't think this was going to happen for a long time, considering his large head on such a tiny body, and since he hates tummy time, and doesn't even like to raise his head. This past week, he has been lifting his head, and rolling over. He doesn't even grunt or struggle, just rolls over like it's no big deal. When Ryan and I get excited, he looks at us like, "what's the big deal?" Personally, I think Henry was upset I told the doctor he doesn't lift his head or roll over during tummy time. Henry felt the need to prove me wrong. Good job, baby boy.
We have finally moved from Size 1 to Size 2 diapers! His footed pajamas have been upgraded to 3-6 months size, but Henry continues to rock the 0-3 months clothes on a daily basis. I can definitely say we are getting our money's worth out of his clothing.
Henry has also started solids. He has only tried sweet potatoes, but so far he seems to like them. We have had a lot of fun letting him "fully" enjoy the sweet potatoes. Sometimes it is hard to determine how much he actually consumed when looking at how much he has smeared on him. We will continue to introduce more foods, and I am excited to see what foods he enjoys most, and if any he does not enjoy.
And for the best part, pictures!!!!
Henry doesn't seem thrilled about Macy being in the photo. |
Macy appears to love being in the photo. |
Ryan and I enjoyed some delicious champagne, Henry only took a photo with the bottle. |
Let the eating begin. Day 1. |
Grocery shopping with Mom. No bananas yet, but in the near future. |
I don't know why you told the doctor I don't lift my head. I will lift my head and roll over. |
My feet are big enough to wear shoes! |
Taking Macy to her vet appointment. |
Future Bulldog doing some reading. |
Sweet potatoes. Day 2 Tossed the bib (too big), tossed the clothes (no need to stain more clothes). |
Fully enjoyed his food. Quick bath needed. |
Enjoying Labor Day by the pool. |