Yesterday, I realized I had not blogged for nearly 3 weeks. Three weeks may not seem like a long time, but with a baby, and the convenience of an iPhone camera, 3 weeks means 3 million baby pictures. What did parents do before camera phones? No worries, I did not post millions of pictures, just a few (a lot) of my favorites from the past few weeks.
Life of Henry…
Meeting Dad for lunch. |
Henry's distant BFF, Charlie has some pretty awesome bibs. Henry decided to do some shopping, and order some new bibs. |
Green beans face. |
All dressed for his coffee date Mom drank the coffee. |
We went to Texas a couple weekends ago, while there, we visited some friends from our Chevron Russia family. Rose and I would go on Wednesday walkies with Macy in Russia. We decided to introduce Henry to the tradition and take a Saturday stroll. |
Long car ride from Texas to Louisiana. What entertains better than toys? Paper bag. |
Peaches face |
Wearing his motorcycle shirt for bro league. When the ladies go to their Junior League meetings, the guys get together for Bro League. 5 guys, 3 babies, what could possibly go wrong? :) |
The start of the bro league meeting, 2 guys, 2 babies. The remaining guys and babies arrived after the ladies left. |
"Help me out, Mom. My belly is full, leave my pants unsnapped." |
Helping with some grocery shopping. |
While out mowing the lawn, Ryan came running into the house, yelling to grab Henry and my wallet. Henry's first experience with the ice cream truck. Ryan and I ate the ice cream. :) |
Henry picked out an especially nice looking outfit for his girlfriends at Pebble Creek. Pebble Creek is our gym's daycare. Stone Creek is the gym name, Pebble Creek is the daycare name. Get it? :) |
Peas face. |
After the ice cream truck experience, we stopped to chat with our neighbors. They had just returned from taking their grandchildren to Steak n Shake. |
To be continued...
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