We were gone for a month, and it has nearly taken me a month to post about each of our stops. But the final post has arrived, and our final stop. San Francisco.
Our month in California started in San Diego and ended in San Francisco. Ryan left San Francisco and flew west, Henry and I boarded a plane and flew east. It was interesting trying to explain to our taxi driver when he asked which airline we were flying and we answered different airlines.
Before we said our goodbyes, we enjoyed a few days in San Francisco. I enjoyed the city, but I must admit, after the beauty that was Lake Tahoe, it was hard to return to a city. Lake Tahoe set the bar pretty high, and San Francisco was already at a disadvantage. If there is one thing we learned during our time in California, being in nature, away from the crowds of people is what we prefer. Even I have to admit, I am starting to enjoy nature more and more. Maybe it's the old age, who knows, I am 30. :)
Regardless of the busy city, we enjoyed all San Francisco had to offer.
We stopped at Muir Woods during our drive from Lake Tahoe to San Francisco. |
Very tall trees. Very beautiful area. |
The perfect place to stretch our legs after the long drive. |
Loving our trolley rides. |
Catamaran tour of the bay. |
Large wave came over the boat. Everyone was soaked. Rocking the wet hair look. Henry was mad. Hey buddy, things could be worse, at least you are not in Alcatraz (in the background). |
Recovered from the wave soaking. This picture makes my heart happy, love my boys. |
We are in San Francisco, it's only appropriate to have a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge. |
Family photo on Lombard Street. |
Future engineer? They were both very interested in how the trolley was operated. |
A final treat at Ghirardelli. |
Henry and I sent an airplane selfie to Dad to let him know we safely made it back to New Orleans. |
It was a fun filled month of travel. We have spent the past few weeks recovering and preparing for our next adventure. For now, Henry and I anxiously await Ryan's return home. Very, very soon!
If you would like to see all our pictures from San Francisco, click on the link: