Thursday, April 28, 2011

Battling with Nancy...

Negative Nancy is doing her best to get to me.

I think I have finally exceeded my comfort zone involving the wait for our sea shipment.  I don't know why today is the day, or why I am thinking about it so much, but I am really ready to have our things here.  It was great to get our air shipment and all the comforts from home that came with that, but I personally, am ready for more "comforts."   This is going to be very materialistic of me, but the things I want most are my clothes, shoes, purses, etc.  The weather has been beautiful here and I want to "break out" my spring clothes.  I am also thinking about what to pack for our trip next week to Istanbul.  All this thinking (which is my first problem) is making me want our sea shipment to arrive.  I know I am not the only one here that is having these same thoughts, there are many families waiting for their shipments.

The last I had heard, our sea shipment left Rotterdam and is scheduled to arrive for customs in Moscow next week.  They are predicting delivery in Novorossiysk the 3rd week of May.

Ok, in order to stuff a sock in Nancy, I will end this post with things I am thankful for.

I am incredibly thankful for the opportunity Ryan and I have.  We have an amazing adventure ahead of us.  The opportunity to say we have lived in Russia is going to be exciting for years to come.  To be able to travel around the world and see so many different countries and cultures is going to be memorable.

I am very happy with the way life is progressing.  I can't believe how much life has changed for me in the past year.  A year ago today, I was in the process of finishing my last month of teaching 1st grade in Indiana.  I moved to Texas, and now I am living in Russia.  I truly enjoy living here, it provides a challenge (a good one) and challenges are what I need to keep me on my toes.

Well, I believe Nancy is definitely out of the picture.   I feel so much better. :)

I thought I would end this post with one of my favorite pictures.  Ryan stopped to take this picture during a walk earlier this month.  I am wearing the white coat in the middle of the picture, definitely not the woman pushing the stroller hahaha. :)
 I really enjoy living near water, it is so relaxing.  

1 comment:

  1. Is it wrong that I enjoyed the bitterness of the beginning of this post tremendously?! It was a little piece of the Virginia Pagels that I know and love. I see nothing wrong with being a little materialistic every now and then, besides it's YOUR stuff that you're missing and wanting! It's not like you're being greedy or covetous.

    Nancy's evil and I'm glad that you put her in her place, but the post that she inspired is one of my favorites thus far. Can't wait to hear stories and see pics of your upcoming travels! Miss you bunches!
