Friday, April 29, 2011

A Day In the Life.....

So, I woke up this morning and realized it was April 29th, I wondered where the month of April had gone. I also realized that I was going to try and do "A Day in the Life.." once a month.  Well, seeing as there is only one more day left in this month I should probably get started.  So friends, happy reading, this is what I did today; April 29, 2011.

7:00: Woke up, realized it was raining outside. :(  I don’t enjoy taking Macy outside to go potty when it is raining.  She met a fat cocker spaniel this morning, he was friendly and she didn’t go spastic.  
7:30: Macy had some yum yums.  We bought her new food and it seems to be working well, she is much less gassy. :)  I had a bowl of cereal.  I signed up for Delta Skymiles.  Ryan suggested I do this since I will be flying so much this month.  He called yesterday and asked what I was doing May 12th-15th, of course my answer was, “nothing, why?” He booked a flight for me to fly to St. Petersburg.  Ryan will be there on a business trip and he decided to fly me up for a long weekend.  I have been researching different things to do in St. Petersburg.  
8:00 Ryan called.  He was walking to work in Moscow.  Now that I think about it, the last time I did a “day in the life” he was gone.  Luckily, when he travels in May, I am going with.  
8:30 Went to the gym.  I love the new gym!!  It is modeled after gyms in the United States.  The owner is a previous pro bodybuilder that moved to the States for a few years, but (making a long story short) moved back to Russia.  He has extremely nice work out equipment and they even have a spin class!!  The spin instructor speaks only Russian, but I know enough about spinning that I can easily follow along.  
10:30 Left the gym.  Stopped at the big Magnit (supermarket) to pick up some more chew bones for my little punkin butt (Macy). :)  Of course, I can’t just go for one thing, I picked up some yogurt and muesli for me.  Vitaley (one of our drivers) was waiting outside the door for me, he carried my bag to the car and was acting like it was super heavy.  It made me laugh.  Ryan and I are very fortunate to have two awesome drivers, Vitaley and Sergey.  
11:00 Gave Macy her new bone.  She is currently chewing like a mad woman, better on a bone than the furniture.  Luckily, she has never chewed on anything.  I think it may be because we have always kept plenty of chew things around.  Her one major obsession is dryer sheets.  Look out, if she gets ahold of one, you will have remnants all over the apartment.  Oh, that and cotton balls.  :)
*Update still raining, and I still hate taking Macy outside in the rain.  Good thing I didn’t give her a bath yesterday, I will wait until the rain ends.  
11:30 Shower and lunch.  Studying my Russian while eating, I have class later today.  My instructor is determined to teach me how to roll my Rs.  She gave me a tongue twister to practice saying and an exercise in making the sound like a machine gun..da.da.da.da.da to strength my tongue muscles.  Weird, I know, but I think I am getting better. 
1:00 Went to Margie’s with some of the other ladies to have tea and watch the Royal Wedding.  I was able to stay for just the arrival of Kate.  I remember when I used to think Prince William was so handsome, he really has not aged well.  On the other hand, I thought Kate looked very pretty and her choice of dress was very nice.
2:00 Russian lesson.  I was not very focused today.  Macy was going crazy and there were a lot of difficult to pronounce words.  I am pretty tired today, maybe because of the cloudy, rainy weather, so that may have had an effect on my concentration.
4:00 Started making stuffed potato skins.  We are having a party/get together for Kevin’s birthday.  Kevin is the project manager and he celebrated his birthday this week.  Everyone from the team (those that are in Novorossiysk) are going to Kevin and Monica’s.  They asked us to bring finger foods to share, and I thought stuffed potato skins would be good.  Kevin is gluten intolerant, so I wanted to make something that he could also enjoy.  
*Sidenote: I threw a load of laundry in while making the potato skins.  It is not a day in Novorossiysk without a load of laundry.  :)  Oh, tiny washing machines, you keep me busy.  
6:00 Left for Kevin and Monica’s.  The stuffed potatoes looked good.  I wrapped one separately to give to Vitaley.  :)  We did a very good job of communicating how to get to Kevin and Monica’s apartment.  There was a small celebration when we arrived.  :)
10:30  Well friends.  I am adding in my last entry for the day.  I arrived home a little after 10.  The get together was great.  I wish Ryan were there, but all in all, it is so very nice to be surrounded by such a great group of people.  It’s great to see how such a various group, coming from different countries, various age groups (myself being the youngest person), varying levels of work experiences can all come together and have such a relaxing, fun environment.  We are very fortunate to have such a strong network.  
Well, I have put the trash outside the door for tomorrow’s pickup, washed the pan from the potato skins (they were a success!), and made myself a cup of tea.  It’s now time to call Ryan, see what he’s been up to, then snuggling on the couch with Macy, enjoying my tea and reading before bedtime.  Love (Ryan) comes home tomorrow!  
Good night everyone!  

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