Wednesday, January 14, 2015

What are little boys made of...

A wee bit of dirt and a devilish grin
Curious eyes and spaghetti sauce chin

A dollop of mud behind his right ear
And a handful of worms in his pocket I fear

You see his knees through the holes in his jeans
He likes ice cream but he won't eat his beans

He's made of mud pies and bubble gum kisses
And wonder at Christmas and birthday wishes

And a heap of giggles and wiggles and love,
These are the things little boys are made of!

In case you didn't figure out from the poem, we're having a boy! And for those of you Pinterest lovers, you can tell where I have been spending some extra "browsing" time. I found this little poem, and thought it was very cute. All the lovely things I have to look forward to. My inner Mom is very excited, while my inner OCD is very nervous. :) Don't get me wrong, I am beyond excited to have a little boy! Ryan has another adventure buddy to join him, and I have future little man to give lots of love to. When you include Ryan, me, Macy, and baby Boy Lang, we are now an even house, two girls, two boys. 

Speaking of what little boys are made of, people are always asking what I am craving. To be honest, nothing specific. When we were in Hawaii, I ate copious amounts of french fries and tater tots, could not get enough. It wasn't like I was craving friend potatoes, but if a plate appeared in front of me, my self control disappeared, and I slowly picked at the plate until all were gone. My last post made reference to ice cream, and fortunately I am now slowly eating it again. Ice cream was the one food that would make me nauseous. Just this week, I started trying small amounts of ice cream again, and it seems  to be agreeing with me. *Huge sigh of relief* This kid didn't know what he was getting himself into. I tried to explain to him, "Your Mom likes ice cream, therefore you must like ice cream, there's no negotiating." Glad he finally decided to listen. Coffee also does not agree with me, or more specifically my nose. I gave up coffee, cold turkey, as soon as I found out I was pregnant, and it wasn't hard, the smell of coffee is not my favorite anymore. Long past are the days of walking into a coffee shop and breathing in the invigorating smell of coffee. But again, not a major deal. 

I felt this was too funny not to document. Ryan and I went to the grocery store a couple weeks ago to pick up a few, random items. This was our shopping cart. I, the pregnant one, added the spinach. Ryan added everything else. :)

And to answer the other most common questions, no morning sickness, and no stretch marks. I really can't complain about pregnancy, well maybe just two things:
*Dizziness and lack of energy, it seems to be getting better, but I am still not fully charged. My Doctor thinks it is caused by my blood pressure running low (or the fact I am growing a human).
*Sleeping on my side, absolutely hate it. I am a tummy and back sleeper, and now I am only allowed to sleep on my side. A memory foam mattress topper for my side of the bed, and lots of pillows have helped make side sleeping as "comfortable" as possible. 

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