Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Ready or not...

Sunday marked my 28th week, and the start of the final trimester. We have officially entered into the third trimester, and ready or not, Baby Boy Lang will be here in 12 short weeks. Twelve weeks seems like a long time, until I think back to how quickly the last 28 weeks have gone. I no longer go in for doctor's appointments every 4 weeks, I now get to see my awesome nurse and doctor every two weeks.

Our little boy is moving around like crazy! I asked my Doctor if he could be moving too much, but she said there is no such thing as too much movement. Phew! I love all the movements, it lets me know he is doing well. Though, I may need to purchase some extra running shoes if his current movements foreshadow his activity level once he is born. He may be a very active little boy.

Many probably assume I have everything ready, decorated, organized, etc. I do not.

This room has been pretty much empty since we moved into our house. I thought it may become a nursery at some point, but was not positive. Once we learned we were pregnant, it was decided, this would be the nursery. The furniture has been ordered, we are just waiting for it to arrive. I think once the furniture arrives, I will start decorating more, and organizing, obviously organizing, it's my middle name. :) For now, we have a small bassinet Ryan bought at Christmas time, a little elephant chair that I thought was too cute, and the perfect spot for him to sit. I am in love with our stroller and car seat! I need to practice clipping and unclipping the carseat and bassinet onto the stroller, and collapsing and opening the stroller. We will have a baby in there at some point, need to master those skills pre baby. Personally, I think it should come with a baby doll for practicing, just a suggestion Uppababy. :)

No picture of the inside of the closet, but Baby Boy does have clothes.
His Grandmothers are making sure he will be the cutest, little grandson. :)
And, in my honest opinion, I think little boy's clothes are the cutest things, even if baby stores think otherwise, and carry half the amount of boy clothing as girl clothing. 

This post will make a great before and after comparison. Stay tuned for an upcoming post of the completed nursery, hint, hint, it will be within the next 12 weeks. :) For now, I continue growing our little baby boy. So excited for him to arrive!!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Mardi Gras 2015

I found myself walking around the house, collecting all the random items we caught/collected during Mardi Gras. Many of the items I decided to keep, knowing I could use them for decoration or wear during next year's Mardi Gras. One item in particular, a wooden spoon, has yet to be decided what to do. This was our first, official Mardi Gras as residents in Louisiana. I would not say Ryan and I went extreme with the celebrating, but we did experience a few parades and parties. It is difficult to fully express Mardi Gras in words, to fully appreciate everything Mardi Gras, one must attend and experience firsthand. If there is one thing I learned about Mardi Gras, people of New Orleans and Louisiana know how to have fun, and enjoy life.

First parades, Krewe du Vieux and Delusion...

Next parade was on the Northshore, Eve...

We travelled back to New Orleans for a Mardi Gras party, and saw a bit of Tucks as we made our way to Bourbon Street. 

Bourbon Street and I have never been friends, I do not like the crowds, the smells, etc. It is definitely something to experience, but after attending a Mardi Gras party on Bourbon Street, I have decided the best way to experience Mardi Gras and Bourbon Street is to be on a balcony, above the crowds, throwing beads to those on the street. So. Much. Fun!

I was selective with my bead throwing, any showing of body parts did NOT get you beads from me. I threw to the people that either didn't have beads, or had a look of fear on their face like they were going to get hit in the face with beads (similar to a look I usually have). I became very skilled with my bead throwing, making it into their open hands. Unfortunately, some of the recipients were too intoxicated to close their open hands around the beads resulting in the beads falling to the ground. The best "bead earning" award goes to the man that did push ups on Bourbon Street in order to receive a super fancy strand of beads, lights and all. 

The food was yummy, and thankfully the bar had an endless supply of water on the rocks for me. :)

This is what we termed "fishing." One of us on the balcony (this time Ryan) would string together multiple strands of beads, enough to reach the fish (people) below. The fisher (this time me) would slowly lower the line of beads over the railing to the waiting fish below. I wish we had video of this.

Throwing this picture in at the end, but was actually our first event leading to Mardi Gras celebrations. King Cake Festival. Sampling numerous types of King Cake. 

And to finish with a bit of Louisiana knowledge. The actual day of Mardi Gras, this year Tuesday, February 17th is an official holiday in Louisiana. Many businesses were closed, schools were closed, even Ryan's office was closed for the holiday.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Love, in many forms...

Last week, during all the hype leading up to Valentine's Day, I heard a news broadcast that said the average American would spend approximately $145 on Valentine's Day. I was shocked! I told Ryan no gifts this Valentine's Day, we could do dinner, but no gifts. Love comes in many forms…

Ryan went for a run on Valentine's Day, as he stretched in our driveway, I sent Macy outside. I was a bit of a stalker and snapped these photos. Love.

27 weeks pregnant with our son. Love.

Ryan was away for a week before Valentine's Day. Not only do I miss him when he is away, but Macy misses him too. Coming home to puppy snuggles. Love.

We went to one of our favorite restaurants for Valentine's Dinner, but the night before, Ryan prepared this fantastic dinner for me. He is currently training for an ironMan, and wants to make sure his son is receiving proper nourishment as I "bake" a future ironMan. Love.

"I am watching you, don't waste any of that frosting." Ryan's encouraging words as I finished the homemade cinnamon rolls for Valentine's Day breakfast. Love. 

I hope your Valentine's Day was filled with love, in many forms.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

New Year Resolution….Failed

Shortly after the start of the New Year, Ryan asked if I had any resolutions for the New Year. I looked from him, to my belly, and back to him, pointed at my belly and replied, "figure out a way to get this baby out." He laughed, and agreed my resolution was a valid one. It was a few days later, I found myself thinking about the blog, and about how much I had seemed to abandoned it since our move, and I made another resolution, weekly blog posts. Well, if you look at the date of my last post, and the date of this post, then you can clearly see my second New Year Resolution has failed, a short 6 weeks into the New Year. Oh well, I still have my first resolution to fall back on, and I have a feeling I will accomplish that resolution, unless I plan to set the World Record for longest human pregnancy. After I typed the last sentence, my curiosity got the best of me, I HAD to google, "longest human pregnancy." The result I found was from 1945, a 25 year old woman gave birth to a living child after a pregnancy lasting 375 days (average pregnancy lasting 280 days). Not sure if the facts are true, but goodness, almost 100 days extra of baby baking. Good job to her, and I am pretty sure epidurals did not exist in 1945. Good job, lady, good job. 

To catch up on our most recent belly pictures, weeks 24 and 25. The last, Week 25 was taken Super Bowl Sunday, hence the reason for the football.

To all of you reading this blog, and successfully maintaining your resolutions for 2015, Congratulations!