Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Signed up for a half marathon...

As we enter into our final weeks of pregnancy, Ryan thought it was the perfect time to sign me up for a half marathon (he signed up for a full marathon). Luckily, the race is not until February 2016, which means I have plenty of time to prepare. I must admit, after he clicked finish sign up, and looked up at me with a huge grin on his face asking, "Are you excited?!?!" I had to look at my giant, preggers belly, look at him, and respond, "Honey, I'm 37 weeks pregnant, running a half marathon is the last thing I am going to get excited about." In his defense, I have been talking about running a half marathon. I know, I know, I do not like running. I feel like a half marathon should be a bucket list item, and what better time to train and complete than after having a baby. I am ready to lose the baby weight gain!

In the last post you saw the finished nursery. Other items I have checked off my list include, packing my hospital bag, packing Baby Boy Lang's diaper bag, and getting the car seat installed. I actually went to the police station today. It's an awkward feeling, turning into the police station parking lot, parking, and walking into the station. Luckily, the officer sitting behind the counter, looked at me, smiled and asked, "Here for the car seat installation?" I paused, looked at my belly, and asked, "How could you tell?" He and the officer that installed the car seat were both very nice. I did worry for a moment, when I pulled my car up to the front door (per the officer's instructions) and as the officer looked inside the car with his clipboard, he asked, "What year is this car?" I nervously responded, "2014" thinking, great, there's something wrong with my car. He nodded his head, and responded, "It's so clean in here, thought it was brand new." Phew, sigh of relief. "Oh, that's just because I am extremely neat and organized, possibly OCD." He laughed and said it sounded like his wife. :)

I feel like the waiting game has begun. I never know if the post I am currently typing will be my last prior to baby's arrival. You never know! :)

And for that weekly baby bump picture.

I am so thankful people continue to comment on how "small and cute" my belly is when they learn I am so close to delivery. It makes me feel a little less huge for a brief moment. Especially nice to remember when I drop something on the floor and contemplate just leaving it there.
Macy has been having lots of treats while I cook. Anything I drop on the floor is not worth picking up anymore, Macy does an excellent job cleaning up. :)

I am in love with my diaper bag! My awesome, fellow, preggers friend introduced me to Petunia Pickle Bottom (thanks, Ashlee!). I figure if I am going to carry a diaper bag everyday, I want it to be just as stylish as one of my handbags. I finally found the perfect bag.
I had to include a pair of baby socks, by far the cutest things I have ever seen. They are so tiny!

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