Thursday, October 4, 2012

The happy expat wife....

A few weeks ago I had 'The sad expat wife' post.  If you missed it, click here.  Consider this the sequel.

I arrived in Moscow yesterday evening.  As always, I was a bit apprehensive about a couple days in Moscow, I usually try to spend as little amount of time here as possible.  Take note of this next statement, I know consider Moscow a friend.  I had a wonderful morning!  Ryan, knowing I was in dire need of some retail therapy, scheduled to have a car take me to one of the large shopping malls.

You may ask yourself, what caused the 'happy expat wife' (besides the obvious).  Shopping was the cake, but THIS was the icing:

A pumpkin spiced latte!!!!!!  Before leaving the mall, I found a Starbuck's,  I resisted the urge to break out in happy dance, and carefully ordered. My Russian was top-notch today because I was able to explain to the barista I wanted it made with skim milk.  Major points Moscow, major points.  Even the awful traffic coming back to the hotel couldn't ruin my spirits, I sat in the backseat, let the driver handle the traffic mess, and I sipped away in my little bit of heaven.

The complete picture, cake and icing.....

Now, I sit in the executive lounge, typing this blog, and rapidly kicking my feet and fidgeting from the large amount of caffeine I have consumed in the past few hours (latte and Nespresso samples).  I am on a retail, caffeine high.  I was planning to sneak in a nap this afternoon, but it looks like that will not happen.  And, since I had the camera out, uploading the pictures I decided to get a picture of the newly redecorated lounge:

This happy little expat wife anxiously awaits Ryan's return from work, and our dinner reservations tonight.  Not to mention, we leave for Italy tomorrow....

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